Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Sky is Green

Have you ever had someone ask you, "What if God said the sky was green? Would you believe Him?"

A lot of Christians stumble over this question. However, the answer is incredibly simple.

God is God, we are not. So yes, if God said that the sky is green, it would be. But what does it really mean when we call the sky blue or green? See, words are nothing more than sounds put together to describe something. I could use several dozens words to describe the exact same thing. For example, I could tell you that the sky is blue, or that the sky is azul. Which is it? Do you ask. The answer is, it's both. Azul is just a different word for blue. But no matter how I describe it, you wouldn't suddenly start seeing a different colored sky.

My point is, God can use any words He wants to describe something. But that does not change the fact that the wavelengths of the light from the sky that hit your eyes and cause you to see the color you are seeing will not change.

In other words, that question is a silly argument over words, not a real scientific argument like some people seem to think it is.

Of course, God could change the wavelengths so that you see the color green...but that's a rabbit trail.

1 comment:

Brian said...

How do you define color?
